Thank you so much to all of the wonderful people who have helped me reach my goals and go on this trip. We are taking two planes, one to Miami, leaving in just over 9 hours, and a flight to Quito, Ecuador. I am going to be doing my best to post daily.

I will be posting long form blogs on my website at the , and shorter posts on Mastodon, which will be on the sidebar of the same website. If you would like to follow my Mastodon social media account separately – here is a link: I am so grateful for all of the support and love I have revived through my fundraiser. I can’t wait to share this once in a lifetime journey with you all.

Fun Facts:

We are going to be taking hiking bags that contain nine days worth of clothing – my bag weighs just over 28 pounds.

The trip lasts 9 days, a combination of which will be spent at the 9,000 ft altitude of Quito, and the sea level altitude of the Galápagos Islands.

There are over 60 kids, parents and teachers going on this trip.

My dad is waking up at 3 am to drive us to the airport

Quito is over 2,000 miles away from Indy, and we are traveling from 39 degrees North of the equator to less than one degree away from the equator!

39n, 86w to -0.18n -78.47w

Quito is only one hour behind the EST time zone.